
For more details, call the phone number below, email us or complete the feedback form. We will be happy to personally welcome you at our hotel.

2 Teatralniy Proezd 109012 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 499 501 78 00 Fax. +7 499 501 78 37/38 [email protected]

Sales department

Tel. +7 499 501 78 00

Fax. +7 499 501 78 37/38

[email protected]


Tel. +7 495 545 53 00

Fax. +7 499 501 78 10

[email protected]

PR department

Tel. +7 499 501 78 00

Fax. +7 499 501 78 37/38

[email protected]

MICE Department

Tel. +7 499 501 78 00

Fax. +7 499 501 78 37/38

[email protected]

HR department

Tel. +7 499 501 78 00

Fax. +7 499 501 78 37/38

[email protected]